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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Yeah, I'm a slacker

Seriously busiest time of the year!
But managed to get a few new pics of our SIX MONTH OLD! How the heck did THAT happen?!?

she's trying her darndest to get it all together to crawl!


Heather said...

You must post some scrap pages PLEASE!!!! Not that I don't love your photos of course!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kim, your entire family is so beautiful... especially that baby!!! I've been eyeing your poses, etc for Sophie for a while - we have our first baby girl now who is 2 months already... and I have needed photo inspiration! Thank you! Quick question - any chance you'll share just how you get that bow to stick on her head?

Anonymous said...

OMG She is precious!! And you must share the color of that backdrop and where I can find it! Simply gorgeous!

Laura K. said...

What a sweetie! I missed your photos!!! Hey I'm about to get some seamless paper and I'm so torn on colors that work best for all people. Any suggestions?

She must be such a JOY in your home every day.. love the bow!!