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Thursday, March 15, 2007

bloggin' again

just a new layout and pics from yesterday... (and it's the two littles again.. they are the ones home all day with me)

Nice tats, eh? Guess he's trying to earn some serious street cred

So completely busted!


Jolene said...

YAY! I am sooo glad you are bloggin again!!! Are u still pregnant or did you have the baby? I am soooo anxious to see her!!! The pictures down below are not comming in for some reason. GREAT hearing from you!

Theresa said...

LOL!! I love that! So funny! Why is it little kids writing on themselves is so funny? Also, love the new photo of YOU!

LN said...

Your boy is sooo cool!!!*lol*
I like your pictures and .... I´m verry happy you blogg again.