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Monday, March 26, 2007

Beach Beauty

Oh how Gracie loves the ocean... just pure joy from jumping and splashing in it!

And once she caught me taking pictures, she felt obligated to pose for me. Only, I'm not sure how concerned I should be at her poses... oh my. All her own and I have no idea where she comes up with stuff like this... LOL

Loads more to come... just had to share these real quick!


Heather said...

That suit is DARLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And LOL about the poses - who is this girl who wouldn't take a shot not so long ago?! :0)

Sarah said...

So beautiful! I can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! That is hilarious, Kim! I wonder the same thing about my kiddo!
And may I just say WOW, your photography ROCKS! You sooo inspire me!