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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Weekend party

We finally got to have Gracie's birthday party this past Sunday. Long story somewhat short, Bill had an accident on his motorcycle, ended up in the hospital on the day we had planned to have her party. He's okay... had a really bad concussion and so was out of it for a while (as in, "we have 6 kids with #7 on the way?!?! That's CRAZY!!" type of things coming from him)... and broke his wrist pretty good that required surgery to screw it together. He's good now, completely banned by me from riding the stupid thing again.

So, a little late, but she still had a nice party, albeit pretty WARM for this preggo Momma being outside! Here are the pics:

He *loved* the "wa-wer-me-mon"

Samuel is a biggest lover of watermelon though!

This boy loves his Nonnie so much!

our niece Taylor with the most amazing eyelashes

who says boys can't wear pink sunglasses?

really wanted to get some fun twirling photos in her new fave outfit... but she wasn't in the mood

she was excited about present time!

nothing like sweet CASH!!!


Jodi said...

SO sorry to read about your DH having an accident! I hope he heals quickly and that there are no long term effects! Loved the always! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, Kim! So glad that your husband is okay- although that must have scared the bee-jeebies out of you!
Love all the photos- you capture amazing color, girl!