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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Photo a day

So, I stink as a blogger. But I take lots of photos. Heidi proposed the idea on the DesignerDigitals photography forum of posting a photo a day on our blogs. So here's my first day. Billy's 2nd basketball game. They had enough spots on the school team to allow 4th graders to play B team. He *LOVES* it, but that's not surprising since he is all about sports. Obviously, this is more than one photo, so a bonus even on day one!


Sara said...

Wow, Kim! These are totally amazing! Color me impressed! The gym is about the hardest place to get a good photo and you've taken at least three! You rock!

abieco said...

these actions shots turned out nice!

Sarah said...

You should check out
It's pretty cool- daily city photos of all sorts of places!

thyme4me said...

I agree with Sara. Gym photos are the hardest to shoot. Wish you were close enough to teach me your technique. Fantastic job as always.