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Monday, January 7, 2008

A very happy NINE year old

Hard to believe it was 9 years ago that Jonathan FINALLY made his appearance into our family. Yes, he's only 13 months younger than Billy... but he was also due on December 22nd. If you do the math, you know that's 16 days. 16 long and miserable days to that pregnant momma. My mom had flown to California where we were living at the time to be here for the birth. She flew out the day after Christmas, so already past my due date. And we waited and waited, and Jonathan never came. And Mom had to fly back home as she only had a week off work. That's just our Jonathan though... he does things on his terms and in his time. A stubborn and ridiculously smart kid with a gentle nature.

So it's also hard to come up with birthday ideas when your birthday is so close to Christmas. He'd been undecided on what he wanted for his birthday. I tried to steer him in the direction of a new bike... he needs one, good gift. But I think Jonathan figures that's something he'll get regardless, so why waste a good gift.
Two days prior, he came up with the perfect gift. An electric guitar. Huh? Yes. An electric guitar. Black. I guess he figures he does decent on Guitar Hero he can now play electric guitar. So Dad took him shopping after his birthday dinner and they came home with this. And he's loving it. My ears. Notsomuch.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Noise. I hope he's good!!!
Happy Birthday Jonathan!