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Sunday, July 8, 2007

fireworks and two-thirds of the Weiss girls

I was excited about the idea of taking some photos of fireworks. I read up on how best to capture them... set up the tripod, remote shutter release... and it was HARD! These were just some private fireworks, not a display.. so maybe an organized display where they all go up in the same spot would be easier. But I had a hard time judging where one would go... and if it was even one worthy of pressing the shutter for. So I got a few I thought were okay... and after all that, wondered just what the heck I'd do with a slew of fireworks photos anyway.

After reading Julia Greer's article on using an SB800 flash with a softbox and get studio looking results, I put all the assesories I'd need on my wishlist at B&H. Bill found said list and got me all the goodies including the 85mm 1.8 lens I'd also had on there.
Here are the results of the first attempt with the set up (I'm using a Westcott Apollo 50x50 softbox and large reflector opposite it).
My oldest girly who is getting way too close to turning 13 for me... and definitely looking it! ACK!

and the youngest sweetie... who will be 7 weeks on Monday... already!

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