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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

8 weeks

Sophia is 8 weeks today. Unbelieveable! She's finally at the point where she looks like she's getting big. She actually *is* on the big side, but her features are so petite, all we ever hear (and say) is how teeny tiny she is. She's filling out, is pretty long, and about 12 pounds, so really not so teeny tiny. Bittersweet.
She's definitely a talker too. Loves to coo and squeal... so adorable!

The girls are all about Webkinz right now! (shhhh... the boys too) This is Gracie's new one she wanted pics with.


Anonymous said...

definitely looking bigger! And Grace too. Wow, pretty girls. and it looks like you have a two light set up! you go girl. :)

Michelle Filo said...

love the pictures, and Sophia is sooo pretty, she does look big to me (but then my boys are/were tiny hehe)
I can't get over how much she looks like Gracie, did you stop to have a look at Gracie's baby photos? I bet the resemblance is uncanny!

Sarah said...

Sophie's big to me ;-)

I hope webkinz are still around in a few years so we can play with them here too!